Profiles of children with specific reading comprehension difficulties
K. Cain, J. Oakhill
págs. 683-696
Assessment matters: Issues in the measurement of reading comprehension
J. Oakhill, K. Cain
págs. 697-708
Children's autobiographies of learning to write
N. Scheuer, M. de la Cruz
págs. 709-726
págs. 727-744
Teachers' perceptions of remediation possibilities of Dutch students in special education
Anna M. T. Bosman, J. T. A. Bakker
págs. 745-760
págs. 761-780
An analysis of the Revised Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire using the Rasch measurement model
C. Kaloyirou, L. Kyriakides
págs. 781-802
págs. 803-826
I. Andriessen
págs. 827-850
págs. 851-866
J. T. E. Richardson
págs. 867-894
Earning and learning: Role congruence, state/trait factors and adjustment to university life
A. Broadbridge, V. Swanson
págs. 895-914