págs. 13-22
Information and inference as combined congnitive process
Alfredo O. López Alonso
págs. 23-34
págs. 35-48
págs. 49-62
Development of coping resources in childhood and adolescence
María Cristina Richaud de Minzi
págs. 63-74
págs. 75-86
págs. 87-108
págs. 109-128
Science rationality and inference: an insight from cognitive psychology
Alfredo O. López Alonso
págs. 129-142
Metacognition and learning processes underlying science
M.C. Jaroslavsky, P.M. Narvaja
págs. 143-148
Subjective and objective causality in science: a topic for attribution theory?
María Cristina Richaud de Minzi
págs. 149-160
págs. 161-172
págs. 173-182
Essaying the prolog language to obtain the computational evaluation of the coherence of reasoning
Alfredo O. López Alonso, M.H. del Rey
págs. 183-192
Relationship between reasoning coherence and vocabulary in children
Nuria Cortada de Kohan, N. Ricardi
págs. 193-204
Young violence towards parents
S.B. Gelvan
págs. 205-220
The rol of extra-contextual and contextual similarities in analogical mapping
Ricardo Adrián Minervino, Carlos Molinari Marotto
págs. 221-248